Archive for the ‘Info’ Category

Cocoanutapps had tweeted today that they are sorry about the delay of the release of tueir tweaks. They also mentioned they are trying to release them as soon as possible.

View their tweet:


A penetration test subjects a system or a range of systems to real life security tests. The benefit of a complete penetration suite compared to a normal vulnerability scan system is to reach beyond a vulnerability scan test and discover different weaknesses and perform a much more detailed analysis.

When performing a penetration test with the any Penetrator, you have the advantage of a wide range of integrated advanced utilities to do penetration testing. This includes extensive vulnerability scanning, launching of real exploits, buffer overflow attacks, a wide range of advanced utilities and Denial of Service. 


Pod2g Has reassured via Twitter that he has all the Jailbreak exploits needed to release the next Jailbreak. Nevertheless, he is currently working on bypassing ASLR during iOS Boot.

Read his tweet:


Good news from NotCom: I’m pushing 5.10.12 for iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, and iPhone 4 CDMA users with functionality to save BBTickets for use later on…

NotCom released new tool for Downgrade iOS 5 iPhone 4S. Download now and save your SHSH and BBTickets:



Am I Infected with iPhone SMS Virus?
If your phone suddenly begins calling people on its own, sends text messages without you doing so and you see an odd SMS message then chances are you have been infected by the iPhone SMS hack.


Many People have been searching the Differences on some terms commonly used among jailbreakers.

– Differences on ‘Jailbreaking’ and ‘Unlocking’.

– Differences of  ‘Tethered’ and ‘Untethered’ Jailbreak.

Let’s explain them:
