Archive for the ‘Info’ Category

There are some tips for those who need to erase junk files and apps from their Mac. Here are some tips that can help you.


Viruses have been a great daily problem on Windows (well, now on Mac OS X, too…).
Many people concern about them and freak out when they realise they got infected!


So, let me show you how to remove viruses from your machine in minutes (and how to protect yourself from future attacks):


If you have an iPhone 4S or iPhone 4 Jailbroken and Need to Unlock it, this Post is what you need.

Read and you will know how to Unlock your iPhone on iOS 5 Using SAM.


Truecrypt has many great functions. I will explain one of the most interesting ones. Hiding a REAL Encrypted Volume into a Fake-Encrypted Volume. Let me explain the whole notion and give an example:

You create a volume encrypted by a password. In that volume you have some files encrypted. Inside that encrypted volume, you create another encrypted volume that contains the REALLY Encrypted Files. This means that you have two passwords.

Here is an example that can be implemented in real life:


I found a great Post on who is really a hacker that I should share with you.

The original article is here:

It is really worth reading….

Pod2g seems to be very close to the untethered jailbreak of the 5.1 iOS Firmware.

Here is what he tweeted 11 mins ago:

ASLR seems bypassed! Weird machines FTW. Time to ROP the payload. — pod2g (@pod2g)
