Bitcoin Founder found?

Posted: 12/16/2015 in Uncategorized

WIRED has enough evidence to point the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the co-founder of Bitcoin, to the 44 year-old Australian and former academic Dr. Craig Wright.

After some days the rumours begun, Wikileaks shared e-mails of Wright which were encrypted with the PGP Key which is linked to Satoshi Nakamoto.



The evidence now has become more and more convincing and the mysterious identity might have now been unveiled.

Either Wright invented bitcoin, or he’s a brilliant hoaxer who very badly wants us to believe he did.

It is of no surprise that the Bitcoin price has increased more than 100$ the past 3 weeks. There are also rumours that Wright himself wanted to be connected with the identity of Nakamoto. Imagine that:

The founder of Bitcoin, who must have been mining from day 0. How many Bitcoins does he own? How much is this amount worth in US Dollars? With this breaking news the price of Bitcoin has had such an increase, that man must now have Bitcoins worth even Trillions of Dollars, since by 2014 Nakamoto’s Bitcoins were estimated to be more than a Billion.



Here is the interview of All-Star Panel with Craig Wright:


And what is the evidence then? From a Post of WIRED:

  • An August 2008 post on Wright’s blog, months before the November 2008 introduction of the bitcoin whitepaper on a cryptography mailing list. It mentions his intention to release a “cryptocurrency paper,” and references “triple entry accounting,” the title of a 2005 paper by financial cryptographer Ian Grigg that outlines several bitcoin-like ideas.
  • A post on the same blog from November, 2008. It includes a request that readers who want to get in touch encrypt their messages to him using a PGP public key apparently linked to Satoshi Nakamoto. A PGP key is a unique string of characters that allows a user of that encryption software to receive encrypted messages. This one, when checked against the database of the MIT server where it was stored, is associated with the email address, an email address very similar to the address Nakamoto used to send the whitepaper introducing bitcoin to a cryptography mailing list.
  • An archived copy of a now-deleted blog post from Wright dated January 10, 2009, which reads: “The Beta of Bitcoin is live tomorrow. This is decentralized… We try until it works.” (The post was dated January 10, 2009, a day afterBitcoin’s official launch on January 9th of that year. But if Wright, living in Eastern Australia, posted it after midnight his time on the night of the 9th, that would have still been before bitcoin’s launch at 3pm EST on the 9th.) That post was later replaced with the rather cryptic text “Bitcoin – AKA bloody nosey you be…It does always surprise me how at times the best place to hide [is] right in the open.” Sometime after October of this year, it was deleted entirely.



Being Satoshi Nakamoto or not, Craig Wright is an extremely intelligent person.

Happy news for anyone who wants to jailbreak on iOS 8.4.

Just after a few days of its release
, the team behind the Taig Jailbreaks released a new update of their Tool which includes the 8.4 JB.

New Cydia:

Also, the new jailbreak comes with the new Cydia, which now runs as mobile instead of root. This means that we will see new tweaks which can change Cydia UI or Performance.
Taig’s Tweet about the New Jailbreak

Find the latest jailbreak on

Apple released yesterday the new iOS 8.4. So, it’s a good time to jailbreak on iOS 8.3 because you can upgrade to it.

The Taig jailbreak for 8.3 has been available for some time but was still unstable. However, the latest update brings more stability and fixes some bugs on the jailbreak process.
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Got my Myo!!

Posted: 05/07/2015 in Info
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Several weeks ago I ordered my Myo.. 

It has just arrived, so I can’t tell anything yet. 

I am going to play a little bit and experiment… So, be sure that I will write my Impressions soon
Stay tuned! 

The Myo armband

Posted: 04/18/2015 in Info
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As you have probably noticed the technological world is really interested on wearable tech. Google glass and Apple watch are some of the most popular examples.

Another wearable device that rocks is the Myo armband.


Read the rest of this entry »

Been some time, huh?

Posted: 04/17/2015 in Info
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Well, it’s been some time since I last wrote on this Blog. Due to studies I had no time for writting or doing similar stuff. 

I want to assure the Blog followers and that I will continue publishing posts in here soon. 

All I want is to see how many people are still interested for this blog. If you are one of them, please like, retweet or comment this post. 

Interesting stuff is coming…  

See ya!